#18 Take Their Power Away
Have you ever noticed when someone (including yourself) is accused of something that is false or heard something that isn’t true it consumes him or her? Have you taken note when people in the spotlight get into trouble and it consumes them so much they "go dark"? More importantly have you taken note when it happens to someone on some crusade they are completely sidelined on constant damage control! (think former Rep. Weiner) What happened to them? They lost their power...
You see their power to attack, create controversy (again Rep. Weiner exemplified this) speak in public, to call others names, make false charges against another or group it all goes away. Kinda nice when they are out of the spotlight, no longer on the attack and on damage control isn’t it.
Isn't it about time to take the radicals, like Maxine Waters members of Congressional Black Caucus, fringe media, special interests etc, power away? This Tactic is a two-step process: one is to hit them with the personal attack, the next is simple, walk away.
Yes walk away, the worst thing you can do is stay, argue and fight. You have to understand that is exactly what your opposition wants. It’s their fuel, it’s their power. You take that out of the equation they are left enraged with nowhere to vent it. Their power is to fight call names and rant. Walking away leaves them powerless over you or their target audience. Hopefully they will vent it elsewhere and get in trouble or dig themselves into a deep hole running their mouth!
When the radical left calls you a name or labels you go with it then hit them back even harder and walk away. This is key, you want to hit them with a low blow with plenty of eyes and ears to witness it and then remove yourself from the situation. They are then left to defend themselves in front of the zombie drones they are trying to indoctrinate.
The left has written the book on these types of tactics of throwing outlandish charges at someone or a group for the longest time. Its time to throw it back at them via direct personal (possibly unfounded) attacks labeling them! What is most important here is when possible use their own words against them. On a daily basis we see the spin, lately its blatant lying, charging individuals as racists with nothing to back it up in play. Look at the news its all you see discussed where people in opposition get trapped into the “yes you did… no I didn’t” debate. This is power to them they want the debate, confrontation etc and those being attacked, esp the TEA party are enabling this disease of the left. Stop playing that game! Remove yourself from the situation altogether and put it on them. You see they are banking on uneducated, uninformed, unengaged zombie drones to hear these things take them as gospel and be their sheep.
The charge of racism is always a hot issue the left has no problem calling people racists which are unfounded charges…. err rather lies. This is one way to handle lefty loons making the racist charge against you:
“Okay fine I’m a racist (agree in a sarcastic patronizing manner) but you have no proof of that. I on the other hand have you AGAIN making that charge, you seem to want to label everyone who is against you a racist! Clearly you are the one who is the racist because I am not the one throwing the racist bombs around 24/7... YOU ARE! Why do you hate ___ (whites, blacks, asian, latino etc)?... Well you are always attacking___ (whites, blacks, asian, latino etc) so you clearly have a problem with them. Always on the attack so its clear you are the racist against ___”
You see what you are doing here is 1) agreeing with them “yes I am” we know you aren’t but to agree with their charge of racism disarms them 2) using their own words and turning them on the attacker. Your proof in this situation is their charges of racism on multiple occasions; you can prove it through audio and video. They have nothing of the contrary; you have the vids, articles etc with them calling it out. So who is the real racist? Yes they may comeback and say you agreed with the charge but there is no solid proof you are racist and anyone around who is witness will know you said it in a sarcastic patronizing manner. There is no credibility there and unless they have records of you being racist on past occasions so it won’t stick.
When you hear individuals on the left charge that whites, the right, TEA party conservatives are against Pres Obama because he is black don't argue the issue. Instead fire back and ask “Why are you being a racist against whites? You know the Pres is half white right?!” Lets make something absolutely clear the Pres. IS NOT black he is mixed race, he IS half white! His WHITE mother and WHITE grandparents raised him, where he was abandoned by his BLACK father. So in this case about the Pres reverse it on them being racist about his white heritage!
You charge your accusers with racism deliver facts to support your position and then LEAVE wherever you are (in person walk away; online stop responding). The biggest mistake you can make is continuing to argue and debate, its fuel to their insanity.
If you are called names stop them and say "yep I’m a right wing, gun toting, Bible loving, Constitution carrying, neocon, racist nut job" then attack them on something you know as fact and walk away. What are they going to do when they can't call you names? What do they have left to say, you just took the steam out of their attack. You have taken their power of attack away. At that point the other Tactics here can be utilized.
The left has demonstrated they do not want to debate. They want to beat an idea into people and have them submit to their ways. If we take a look at former Rep. Weiner this was the case with him. No matter what was said to counter him he continued his attack, beating away, no opportunity for debate. If you get into an argument with him today you can pretty much take his power away and silence him by flashing his xxx photo and calling him a cheater on his pregnant wife! People are around to witness this he then has to go on damage control. He is now out of the spotlight, out of your way and silent.
You want the left to be completely consumed with whatever the charge is you made towards them to keep them sidelined for as long as possible. Never let up even if they agree and say “ok lets move on”. Don’t let up on these people they have demonstrated time and again they will tear a person apart given the opportunity.
Look this Tactic could be applied a million different ways you just have to think about your opposition and what they want, how it empowers them, then do everything possible to piss them off and not give them whatever that end result is they’re seeking! You have to identify anything you can use in an attack hit hard and loud. Put them on the defensive taking their power away from anything they have been steaming away on, because now they must be on damage control setting the record straight.
Want to know a perfect example of this Tactic and where part of the idea for it came from? Sarah Palin. Everything she does now has to be thought out before she makes a move. The left was unforgiving with anything she did or said, she was on constant damage control during the ’08 election and for a period of time afterwards. She now conducts herself in closed manner staying out of the public eye as much as possible…. Think about it you know this is true on how the fringe media has treated her!
The fringe media though has given plenty of material to be used against them, with their selective editing on stories to supporting out right lies, corrupt politicians and corporations.
Corrupt corporations, the same rules apply on handling them. For example, GE’s CEO Immelt could be charged a traitor by the public! GE under his leadership was doing business with Iran while our troops in Iraq were coming under fire by insurgents who were more than likely supplied by Iran and if not actual Iranian insurgent fighters fresh off the Iraq/Iran border. You start making a big stink that he is a traitor it WILL effect his day.
As far as being on the receiving end of this its “just words”, as the Pres once said in a speech. So who cares what is said about you! You know the truth who cares what they say about you, your group, religion etc. The left on the other hand has demonstrated they don't like being attacked. The double standard in the media clearly shows this. Remember the underlying message within all these Tactics on STR is to drive the left nuts and make them snap. We want to push them to the edge and it doesn't matter if what is being charged at them is true or not at this point. They are playing dirty and make the rules as the go along. Do you really want to play by their rules or yours? Do you like everything that is thrown you way, do you like being called a racist or a terrorist?
Whether it’s labeling the left racists, liars, bigots or terrorists just put them on the defensive, on heavy damage control. No matter what though do not respond or fire back after you make the initial charge. If anything continue to hammer away that they are X, Y or Z! Silence is the best response when they want to get engaged in debate. Taking that power away leaves them clueless on what to do next. Odds are they will take it to the next level which is fine let them. You want them to get in a frenzy because when it gets to that level they get unhinged and do not think out their actions. They open their big mouths or may literally lash out at someone. This is where they get into trouble by manufacturing more lies or getting physical; again look at Rep Weiner fiasco he continued to dig himself into a deeper hole. You may be sitting there thinking this won't work... really? When was the last time you heard from Anthony Weiner? ……….
Exactly he has gone dark out of the spotlight and the left lost a major bomb thrower!
As far as the possible threat of physical altercation goes, do not engage them. This has been stressed repeatedly on STR, they want this they need this. You can tell when they want to fight, egg them on to the edge then back off it renders them powerless at that point. The same applies to any online message board or comment post war. Stop arguing with these people. Don’t acknowledge them online or in public once you have taken your shots at them.
Things are going to get dirty the closer we get to the 2012 elections. That said you have two choices America, either get in the game and get dirty or sit on the sidelines and whine. If you choose to sit on the side then quite frankly shut up and quit your whining because you are making the choice of letting the other side win!
America you must rise up and show the world the leader you are that you will not allow the radical minority to become the majority to dictate your life and destroy our Republic! Cross the line within yourself and do what is necessary, civil within the rule of law.
If you are reading this you are the resistance…
~ BMartin1776
Copyright © savingtherepublic.com, Saving the Republic, The Art of Political Guerrilla Warfare All rights reserve
Thursday, September 1, 2011